Just 5km from the market village of St Cyprien, 7km from the ‘prehistoric capital’ of Les Eyzies and 17km from the medieval town of Sarlat, our accommodation provides the perfect location from which to explore the castles, rockart, caves and medieval villages which make up the vivid and diverse history of this region or simply to enjoy a peaceful and relaxing holiday.

If you require further information about our properties we are only too happy to help you with your enquiries. We can be reached by email or phone:

Le Chèvrefeuille
2099 Route des deux hameaux
Pechboutier, St Cyprien 
email: info@lechevrefeuille.com 
Tel: + 33 55 359 4797

Pechboutier is located on the D48 which links the towns of St Cyprien to Les Eyzies.  See the Google map below. 
Sat Nav co-ordinates are: Latitude 44.9012, Longitude 1.0415.



For your convenience you can print out directions to get to Le Chevrefeuille, just click on the image. 


Several budget airlines operate to this area of France, and the number of flights and destinations is constantly increasing, especially during the summer months.
We find that the Skyscanner price comparison site is very popular and very efficient at identifying the cheapest flights available and are pleased to recommend it…give it try!
You will notice when you run a flight price comparison that the budget airlines to the Dordogne region don’t always offer the cheapest flights, and it is sometimes significantly cheaper to fly to Bordeux or Toulouse, perhaps with British Airways or Air France, than to fly to Bergerac with Ryanair, etc.
We highly recommend you check more than one possible arrival airport!! We have prepared a list showing all flights currently known coming into the Dordogne
We are 55 minutes drive from Bergerac airport, 1hour 15minutess from Brive airport and 2hours, 30 minutes from Bordeaux.